With remarkable increment in population of cities and instructing large complexes with different usages, on one hand and increasing price of land and building’s materials and equipments on the other hand ,buildings are face with decreasing area of general space , and therefore ;the area of infrastructure of any residential unite has been decreased.
Undoubtedly,the residents of cities with any age,need pleasurable environment with easy access in order to provide parts of their mental and physical needs with spending less house expenses.
It would be a help to strengthen family roots and to promote society health,if general spaces like gardens,
residential complexes, airports, cultural centers, hospitals, kindergartens and even restaurants are equipped in such a way that all members of family can remove some of their mental and physical needs according to their age,besides, doing their daily activity.
KIAN ANDISH MEHREGAN Company after many years of research and with help of its own experts has taken effective steps in this field.In the presents,this company with having complete series of prouducts can provide some of society needs.